There is a song in Puerto Rico that goes "aguacero de Mayo que va a caer", meaning May showers are coming. It is considered good luck for it to rain on the first day of May. I remember being a child and running outside in the first rain of May (even if it was not the 1st of the month). There was something about it that said summer was just around the corner. Now that I live in the continental United States, I still do it. And my husband just shakes his head and smiles. I love that he humors me even if deep down he thinks it is the craziest thing he has seen in his life.
It s said that May showers bring summer flowers. And this year, we had rain the 1st of May. And even at work, I took a short walk to another building in the rain, for old times "good luck" sake. And I smiles. The rain seemed to make the wakening grass greener and nourished the bulbs planted in the fall. The next few days we had fantastic warm temperatures that just pushed the tulips and daffodils through the ground awakening from their winter slumber. And last weekend, a day of 80F temperature signaled the flora world that it was time to wake up from winter... for good, after a few false starts. In the morning, my daffodils were closed, but three hours later, these sweet flowers were opened brightly, saying "Spring is here!" even if it feels we are two months behind the rest of the world.
Daffodil "Pink Champagne" after the rain.
Daffodil "Pink Champagne and "Dutch Master".
These beauties have been gracing my home with their delicate scent and beauty. I am especially in love with Pink Champagne, a stunning double daffodil with pointy white outer petals and centers of pinkish (almost salmon) splashed tissue paper folded petals that are folded inwards. They are so feminine and delicate. and play a great contrast with the Dutch Master daffodils. Flowers like this I love to display on their own and let them shine, which they do in this vase-- a birthday gift from my mother-in-law the first year my husband and I married. This was a gift given to her for her wedding 53 years ago and I cherish it with all my heart.
But today I have a double header because this weekend, the tulips exploded and I am one happy girl! Tulips 'Rosy Delight" and unknown one that was in the garden beds when I moved here, started blooming and I am loving the deeper color this year, and I am thinking probably from the longer than normal winter. Something about the color screamed tropical to me, so for this vase I used some "Lemon Lime" hosta leaves as well as pink and white "Bleeding Hearts". And the colors and textures immediately put me in a Caribbean mood. What do you think?
Now for a sneak peek-- the one plant I am most excited about-- Apricot Parrot Tulip. the first one is opening and I cannot wait to share it with you in a vase arrangement! Stay tuned!
Thank you so much for stopping by and allowing me to share these flowers. They bring me much joy and I hope they bring you joy too. Have a wonderful day! Now go and visit these awesome link-ups for more beautiful blooms and plants.
Weekend Green, Garden Like Link-Up, Floral Friday Fotos, In a Vase on Monday, Garden Blogger's Bloom Day (15th of the Month), Simple Saturdays, The Homemaking Party, Home Sweet Home, Gardens Galore, Floral Bliss, Home and Garden Thursday, End of Month View (31st of the Month), #MyGloriousGardens, Six on Saturday