Dahlias & The Copper Pot

Fall has arrived and the garden is dwindling. However, the dahlias are going strong. Some more dahlias it is :) For this little arrangement, I used ‘Cafe au Lait’ and ‘Hollyhill Black Beauty’ dahlias. The HBB was picked after the rain so the center is a bit faded, but normally they are deep dark burgundy. And the CAL continues to be just delicious with its fluffy petals.

For the vase, I used a vintage copper teapot that I scored for $2.99 at a thrift store. I love how In A Vase on Monday link up has really opened my eyes to different things I can use as a vase. To finish the vase I added some fern frond and a greenery of Indian Buckthorn with its berries. In all, I think it turned out darling.