Disconnecting to Connect During the New Year


Happy New Year, friends! I always cherish the sense of “clean slate” when a year begins. And this year is no exception. Although I have to admit that 2021 was a breakthrough year for me in many areas, especially my faith. But I am not dwelling in the year that was because it set the foundations for 2022 and beyond.

Many people take the first month of the year to select a “word for <insert year>” myself included. But in 2022 i don’t have a word. Instead, I have one goal— disconnect to be connected. This is a continuation of my last post.

It is simple: disconnecting from all the things that are a distraction from connecting with my family, but more importantly, with God.

Disconnecting from all the bad habits that affect my health and fitness.

Disconnecting from toxicity, especially relationships, that drain the peace. And instead, focusing on connecting with what’s important. That’s it— that’s my goal for 2022. I wish you a wonderful new year, full of peace, health and prosperity. Feliz Año Nuevo!