the blush bloom garden tea party

Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed.” Walt Whitman

Welcome to The Blush Bloom Garden and Tea Party link-up!  Glad you stopped by!  I created this link up because I wanted to have a little corner of the internet to share and learn with others about two of my favorite things: gardening and tea.  And also because it is a wonderful way to meet new friends-- and who does not like that?  After all, if there is something that brings friends together it is gardening and a love for the ritual of tea. 

And The Blush Bloom Garden and Tea Party was born.  There is something so beautiful, gentile and lovely about a garden tea party, and that is what I want to create here on the The Saturday mornings.  A place where we can come together and just be us.

The linkup rules are simple:

  • Link only gardening and tea related (entertainment included) posts.
  • Follow and/or comment on at least two people.  This is about making new friends, after all.
  • Include a link back to the Garden Party link-up post because the more the merrier.

I really hope you come and join me for this little fete.  I cannot wait to meet you!