Garden Feast

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The Happy Tournesols

Tournesol in French. Girasol in Spanish. Both are the same word in different languages— sunflower. Both words meaning the same: to turn to the sun. This flower which symbolizes adoration, loyalty and longevity is cheerful and bright as its name— flower of the sun. It’s petals resembling the rays of the sun remind us that even on a cloudy day, there is always sun after.

This was my first year growing sunflowers. For some reason I never had a desire to grow them but all that has changed thanks to these beauties. I grew them from seed and they were super easy and germinated pretty fast. I find that the trick is to keep them well watered when you plant, during germination and when they are young. Once they get about 18 inches tall they start tolerating the summer heat much better and do not require as much water.

I planted an Autumn Sunset mix that included beautiful beautiful yellow, orange, and russet colors. It is said to grow around 40-60 inches but let me tell you, I’m 6’1” (73”) and these plants are way taller than me… and they look gorgeous. They also provide food for pollinators, which is I have not cut any flowers. And I am ok with that.

Do you grow sunflowers? What is your favorite variety?

You may find me joining some of these fun link-ups: In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday, Friday Bliss, Home and Garden Thursday, Pink Saturday, Nature Notes, Dishing It & Digging It, Thankful Thursday, Grace at Home, Weekend Blog Hop, Garden Blogger's Bloom Day (15th of the Month), End of Month View (31st of the Month), #MyGloriousGardens, Six on Saturday.