Garden Feast

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Quick & Healthy: Steak Garden Salad

Salads are my thing. I just love them. A wedge salad with blue cheese and crispy bacon. A Ceasar salad with homemade dressing (extra anchovies for an even yummier taste). A garden salad on a hot summer day with chilled ranch dressing. Give me all the salads. And some days I just use what I have on hand. And this one is one of my favorites— steak garden salad.

I ALWAYS have produce at home. ALWAYS. So putting salads together is a quick chop, adding a protein and enjoying it. While I do love chicken in my salad, my favorite protein for these is steak. I am pretty lucky to live in a farming community where farms have been in the same family for hundreds of years. So we are able to get very high-quality beef locally. There is a peace of mind that comes with that.

This one is pretty simple to put together and has some of my favorite ingredients. So here it goes:


  • Spring mix greens + romaine

  • Microgreens

  • Cucumbers

  • Avocado

  • Cherry tomatoes (i love the tricolor to add visual interest).

  • Pickled onions (this is a homemade one I make)

  • Steak (I like mine medium rare)

This does not need a recipe. Just chop, toss and eat! For dressing, I am always partial to a vinaigrette, but with this salad, I always reach with this homemade ranch. I have yet to find a better recipe that I like and can make light. And that is it, friends! Easy peasy! Enjoy!

Tell me, what is your favorite salad?

Here are other amazing link-ups I enjoy!

Mondays— Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, Mosaic Monday
Tuesdays— Nature Notes
Wednesdays— WSoaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop
Thursdays— Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things
Friday— Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Community - Five Minute Friday, Fabulous Friday Link Party, Encouraging Hearts & Home, Fabulous Friday
Saturday & Sunday— Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party