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Reflections On A Social Media Fasting ~ Part II and Runfessions

Hello friends as I mention a couple of weeks ago I will be sharing with you my insights into the social media Fasting that I’m doing, and today I’m sharing Part II of this journey. I am also sharing this post with Runfessions because the oddest realization, regarding fitness was revealed through this journey.

From my previous post “I have been praying about my closeness with God, and the topics of social media kept coming to my mind. Do something about it— that is the feeling I had. Then a few days ago I came across a book that caught my attention. It is titled The 40-Day Social Media Fast: Exchange Your Online Distraction for Real-Life Devotion by Wendy Speak.” Along with my bible, this is the devotion/guidance book I am using during this journey. I plan on sharing a series of posts on some reflections about this journey, as I truly believe that maybe it can help others. So let’s dive in.

I have been on this social media fasting for 15 days now. For transparency, I jumped on Instagram on Christmas Day to wish everyone a Merry Christmas on my IG Stories and then deleted the app. I have also deleted all other social media apps and deleted the accounts because I felt moved to do this. There has been a shifting inside of me about what I share, the need for social media for me personally— and do I truly need it in my life. But I have some very specific areas where I have seen the biggest changes, as realities set in:

  1. Less Screen Time = More time with GOD! This fasting has shown me how much time I spent on social media making sure I created content that had all the likes and that was visually pretty. I went back and looked at my screen time see above) and you guys— my daily screen time average decreased by 38%. The quality of what I spend my time online is different too. You will see that my “Entertainment” increased during Christmas week, and that is because I am watching two Christian series— The Chosen and A.D. The Bible Continues— both on PureFlix. Also, my morning devotional app, She Reads Truth, is on my phone. This has allowed me to discover a voracious appetite for reading the Word and other Christian books. My mind is like a sponge learning so many things, especially in the Bible, that I never noticed before.

  2. This was a lonely journey at first. Still feels like that a times. And that is because as an introvert that I am I created a lot of “friends” on social media. It’s interesting because on social media I share things that I don’t share with actual friends of mine and that was baffling to me at times. For an introvert there is a comfort that comes with “connecting” with people without actually talking to them face-to-face. so I’m not having that is very realized that I really avoid in person face-to-face contact with people I know in town with friends for the comfort of just staying at home and talking to people that I really don’t know.

    I literally avoid contact with people I know. And I know this because they can call me on the phone and I won’t answer, but a few seconds later I will send them a text asking “what’s up?” Isn’t this crazy? But I am thankful for this discernment because clearly I need to work on community— not just at church.

  3. You never realize how many pictures you take to capture mundane moments that you can post online. SERIOUSLY— this was eye opening for me. I found myself reaching for my phone camera to take pictures that “would look good on Instagram” only to remember I’m taking a fast from social media. More importantly, those moments of pause then made me reflect about our need to post everything. From our food to a glorious sunset. Some things are great to share with others, but truly— who needs to know that I had a fancy oatmeal for breakfast?

  4. I’m having to dig deep for motivation to focus on my fitness. This is a new one because I’ve always considered myself super motivated, especially about running. Turns out I’m not. LOL. I never realized how much my fitness motivation depended a lot on posting it on social media. This is not something that I am particularly thrilled to admit.

    There is phrase in the social media fitness community “If it’s not posted on Instagram, did it even happen?” which is meant as a joke, but I’ve come face-to-face with this reality. If I can’t post it, why run? This is the craziest thing to me! So these past 15 days I’ve had to step back and rethink how I approach fitness so it is about what’s good for my health, instead of comparisons to other fitness people. This is a work in progress, my friends. But I am enjoying just going for runs without worrying about the perfect running or fitness photo.

5. A more intimate Christmas this year. This fasting allowed me to truly focus on Christmas and the true nature of the nativity. I found myself very emotional about what it all meant and the incredible love God has for us that He send his only son to redeem us from our sins. I felt so connected that, for the first time I put my introvert to the side, and actually participated in our Christmas program reading Scripture. I love every second of it and felt like my little offering to the baby Jesus.

More importantly, I am carrying this frame of mind and faith into the new year, with renewed motivation to become an instrument for God’s Word. My mission in 2022 is to help spread the Gospel. Not just through my little blog, but also in-person, as I am finding I have a desire to connect with community and in-person.

This may be my last post of the year— so I want to wish you all a wonderful new year (however you decide to celebrate it). And may the light of the birth of Jesus continues to light the way into 2022. Much love, friends!

Linkups I Typically Join Throughout The Week—

Mondays Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday
Tuesdays Insta Encouragements, Tell His Story, Anchored Truth Tuesdays
Wednesdays Worth Beyond Rubies, Welcome Heart, Wonderful Wednesday Soaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop, Creative Craft Link Party
Thursdays Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Runfessions
Fridays Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Floral Friday Fotos, Community - Five Minute Friday
Saturday & Sunday Amanda’s Books & More, Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party, Happiness Is Homemade