Garden Feast

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Life in the time of quarantine is so odd. Don’t ask me what day it is because, honestly, it is all a blur. I find myself having to check my calendar a couple of times a day. And what is giving me a feeling of normalcy is funnily— cooking. I’ve been in my kitchen A LOT. Since our job told us to start working from home. And during that time, I’m using the time I would to commute and my lunch, to experiment. And this may sound crazy, but I’ve been craving a lot of Asian, Indian and Middle Eastern flavors. One product I have fallen in love with is kimchi.

If you aren’t familiar with it, kimchi is basically fermented cabbage with Korean spices. It is very spicy but so delicious. Furthermore, if you don’t know how to make it, you can find it anywhere these days. Being on a plant-based diet, I am lucky that I can find vegan versions in the market. And if you’re curious, what makes kimchi vegan or not is one ingredient— fish sauce.

I am a big fan of sandwiches, especially now that I can make and eat it right away after preparing it. This one is just delish and easy to assemble… plus it’s pretty. I hope you give it a try because it really is delicious.

To assemble: Toast bread (I use a vegan bread) and spread mashed avocado on the bread. Then top with slices of tomato and mounds of kimchi. I like to season the tomato with salt and pepper. Finish with some cilantro (optional). Serve and enjoy!

You may find me joining these beautiful blog linkups: Heart & Soul, Meatless Monday, Farm Fresh Tuesday, Full Plate Thursday, Encouraging Hearts & Homes