Garden Feast

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The Birth of A Dream ~ Abeille Flower Co.

Dreams can be something transient, based on a moment in time. Or they can take root, making a person truly plan, work, and aim to see if become a reality. Mine has always been having a small flower farm. It is actually why I started this blog— to document my journey in gardening and subsequently— flower farming. But life gets in the way, and the time never seems right. At the end of summer, thanks to a few things that happened at worked, I started thinking about this more and more. I sat down with my husband and explained to him what I wanted to do in 2023, to include a high-level summary of my business plan. I finished our conversation with:

“2022 is going to be my testing year to test soil, the flowers I want to grow, and test the market, with a go-live of 2023.” He said “Ok.” and that was that. In my mind I thought “He probably thinks I am joking and just humoring me” and left it at that.

Fast forward to October. I am a huge fan of Floret and I subscribe to her newsletter. In October, she announced the open registration for her online workshop. I have been wanting to attend one of her online workshops for a while now— sadly, she does not do them in person any more. That would be so awesome. I remember sitting with my husband, and saying:

“Oh the Floret workshop is starting in January. I really want to attend someday. But its so pricey” (it is, but the information is really worth it). My husband got up and came back, handed me his credit card and said, “Go ahead, register.”

I looked at him not understanding, because I have a rule— anything garden related, I do and pay for myself. But he said

“I know you’ve been wanting to do that workshop for a while, and if you are doing the flower farming thing, you may as well, learn from the best. Consider this your birthday present.” I hollered a big “Yippee!!!” and went to registered.

The elation was not just about attending the workshop. It was his confirmation that he believe in my dream. Because for the past few years he has call it “my hobby,” which always annoys me, but it’s true because I do not make a profit.

So, in January, I started the workshop and it is A LOT of information— lots of videos, an actual course book, and planting planning blueprint. There is also an online community and have met a few other flowers farmers (or flower farmers in training like me) from MN. We are even planning on having a meetup. It has been the most wonderful experience.

I won’t go into details, but I wanted to share the first homework assignment we had— an inspiration board. I have to tell you that this was all really outside my comfort zone because I don’t do my planning or visioning like this at work or in my life. But I went ahead and did it. And I have to admit that it was quite an interesting exercise. I realized that I have a thing for English style gardens and roses (no surprise with this last part). But I was surprised with something hubby pointed out to me. He said:

“In your 9-to-5, you are very OCD. You are all about organization, uniformity, order and everything straight. But in your gardening and what you like about it, you are the complete opposite. It is not that it is chaotic but it is definitely relaxed and more natural.”

Honestly— I never noticed that, but he is right. However, I had to explain to him, that even if that is the case, there is an order and process to creating that “relaxed” vibe. But I am surprised I never noticed this before. And once again, he is right. :)

Now, let’s talk aa bit about the farm I have in mine. The name will be Abeille Flower Company. Abeille means ‘bee’ in French. Why Abeille? I care about our pollinators as much as I care about our flowers. And they depend on each other. The past few years we have worked hard at creating a pollinator heaven where they — especially bees— can thrive. Naming our company in honor of the little, but mighty bees, is how we recognize their importance.

I also used a French word in honor of my grandmother Ina’s French heritage and the love for flowers and plants she passed on to me. In short— we want to create a business that is meaningful to us and others, while supporting the US grown flower industry. The general plan is to locally grow specialty flowers and products. But there will be a big emphasis on edible flowers. More on that later. I am excited to bring you along on this journey and see where it takes us. Have a great week, friends!

Linkups I Typically Join Throughout The Week—

Mondays— Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday, All About Home Link Party
Tuesdays— Nature Notes, Tuesdays Turn About
Wednesdays— Wonderful Wednesday, Soaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop, Homestead Blog Hop
Thursdays— Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Runfessions
Friday— Floral Friday, Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Floral Friday Fotos, Community - Five Minute Friday, Fabulous Friday Link Party
Saturday & Sunday— Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party, Garden Affair, Six on Saturday

MonthlyGarden Bloggers Bloom Day