Garden Feast

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Throwback to Summer ~ For The Love of English Roses

This weekend I was looking through old blog posts, and found a few that I never posted. Has that ever happened to you? And since there is really not much going on in my garden, except snow, I wanted to share this darling cup of English roses (from this past summer) for In A Vase of Monday. I am a purist when it comes to roses— I like them on their own. It must be the slight obsession I have with them.

For this vase I used two types of David Austin roses: Scepter’d Isle and Alnwick. This was towards the end of the summer, so the blooms were not as big, but they still are beautiful with all those delicious petals. For a vase I went very simple with an enameled tin cup from Magnolia’s Hearth & Home. You can’t probably see it, but the lip of the cup is navy blue and I like the contract with the delicate pink.

Looking at these photos makes me smile because English roses are my favorite flowers. And it happened without me noticing. I remember the first bloom that opened. As the soft scent wafted towards me, the spell of the English rose stole my heart. With its delicate petal ruffles, it has crowned itself the princess of my little summer garden. And I find myself utterly and unabashedly in love.

Roses have always been my first flower love.  In my early years as a rookie gardener, I dabbled with a few, but never really got into it. It was not until 2016/2017 when I started growing them seriously. There is sort of an emotional attachment to them, for I am completely vested in them. There is the romance that English roses evoke, but there is also something utterly feminine about them— delicate yet strong. They also can evoke a myriad of feelings and memories. Some just say burning love, while others remind me of a beautiful ballerina tutu. And still, others are stunning for their simplicity, and those are the ones I love. The English roses that remind me of a cottage garden in the Cotswolds and quiet solo afternoon teas.

When I immersed myself into the world of English roses, I did not know it would become a passion. They are an investment for sure, but I do not mind. First, they bring me peace when I am surrounded by them. But more importantly, I need beauty in my world.  My flowers are my little happy place when the chaos of the world saturates every mode of communication. So I disconnect and embrace the beauty my flowers, especially roses, bring. I love tending to them, watching them grow, talking to them (yes, I do talk to these girls), and seeing them thrive until the bloom. So, come on summer! I am waiting!

Linkups I Typically Join Throughout The Week—

Mondays— Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday, All About Home Link Party
Tuesdays— Nature Notes, Tuesdays Turn About
Wednesdays— Wonderful Wednesday, Soaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop, Homestead Blog Hop
Thursdays— Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Runfessions
Friday— Floral Friday, Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Floral Friday Fotos, Community - Five Minute Friday, Fabulous Friday Link Party
Saturday & Sunday— Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party, Garden Affair, Six on Saturday

MonthlyGarden Bloggers Bloom Day