Garden Feast

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Fall Flavors: Canela (Cinnamon) Bread Star

Welcome to the season of baking in my house! Seriously, I only bake in the fall and winter, like someone hits a seasonal switch and I am all about the baking. Same goes for baking shows— only watch them during these two seasons. And one of my favorite baking shows is Zöe Bakes on Magnolia Network (anybody else obsessed with this network?).

In the first episode of S2, Zöe shares her favorite breakfast recipes. And towards the end of the episode, there it was— the recipe of my dreams. The one that eludes me because I am so intimidated by. The beautiful cinnamon bread star.

For a few years now, I have been wanting to make this creation, but it seemed so hard. Thankfully I took time to watch that episode and her recipe was so simple that, with determination, I decided to give it a try. I am not going to post the recipe itself, because it is not mine. So instead I will link it HERE. The only adaptation I made was adding a bit of cardamom, because I find that a little bit enhances the cinnamon flavors even more and gives the entire bread an additional delicate layer of flavor.

Instead, I will share some observations about the recipe—

  1. I used a large mixing container to mix all the ingredients. You can mix using a stand mixer, but I wanted to try it like she did it. Thankfully I had all the tools to make the process easier.

  2. If you have a Danish whisk (see above), bring that bad boy out and use it— it makes mixing the dough way much easier than using a wooden spoon.

  3. The dough is going to look scraggly. This enriched dough is supposed to look like that. But once you let it rise, it will be a beautiful dough.

  4. The star points will look funky before you bake it, but once its done, it will look so pretty.

  5. You will be tempted to maybe leave it in a few more minutes to “brown” and make sure it is bake through— as you can see mine is a bit more brown than what I normally like it. But no worries— it tasted amazing. The texture reminds me of a kanelbullar (Swedish cinnamon roll)— a slight crust in the outside courtesy of melted sugar and cinnamon, but soft and delicious inside. And pulls apart beautifully.

  6. Don’t skip brushing the butter after it is bakes— it adds a beautiful gloss and enhances the flavors.

  7. I like Swedish pearled sugar… on anything— so go for it!

  8. Above all, have fun and then sit back and admire your creation. You did it!

This was my first try, but I just know I will be making this again. If you have to make a breakfast dish with a wow factor, this is it!

Here are other amazing link-ups I enjoy!

Mondays— Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday, All About Home Link Party
Tuesdays— Nature Notes, Tuesday Turn About
Wednesdays— Wonderful Wednesday, Soaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop
Thursdays— Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Runfessions
Friday— Floral Friday, Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Floral Friday Fotos, Community - Five Minute Friday, Fabulous Friday Link Party, Encouraging Hearts & Home, Fabulous Friday
Saturday & Sunday— Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party, Garden Affair, Six on Saturday

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