Garden Feast

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Catching Up with Life

Hello, friends! It has been a while since I jumped on this blog and wrote something. Life has just been wild, crazy but also great since November, and I am just now catching my breath. So, let me back up and start at the beginning. Back in November, I was in full swing getting ready for Thanksgiving. I was also expecting an update on a job I applied for at the hospital I work at. I was excited because it would be a promotion in an area where I had been wanting to work. So, the week before Thanksgiving, I found out that I got the job. I was so happy that I called my mom. My mistake? Talking to her while walking down a flight of stairs. In my enthusiasm, I missed the last two steps and down I went— all 6’1” of me. I thought my foot was broken for sure. But it turned out that it was just sprained (actually fast forward to January, and we found out I actually have a small tear on one of the foot tendons and I am having to do physical therapy for it). But how I did not break anything else, I am not sure, because it has a hard fall.

So that put a damper in my holiday season, not just because I was on crutches most of the holiday season; it was in more than one way. I had no desire to decorate for the holidays (although I ended up putting up the Christmas tree), and spiritually, I just felt disconnected from God. It was the oddest thing. Slowly, that disconnection has dissipated, and I am feeling more connected. Thank you, Jesus for that. Because it was sitting heavy in my heart.

The new job is going fabulously. While I loved my previous role, I was burned out because of the heavy workload and lack of resources to sustain it, especially when I was told I needed to grow the program I was managing without the necessary resources. This new role is one with even more impact and it also requires me to work in-person, which I love. Truth be told, I never liked working remotely when the pandemic happened. And while I do miss the freedom to do things around the house between meetings, I am loving the daily interaction with those I am managing. It fills my heart with joy. Another thing— for three years I rarely saw a sunrise because I had no need to wake up super early, and boy, have I miss them! The photo above was the sunrise my first day of work in the new role. I had to stop by the side of the road and take a photo because it was beautiful— as much as some of the sunsets I get driving home from work. I still have not fallen into a rhythm, but I am getting there. And love that I love my new job so much!

Have a great rest of your weekend!

Here are other amazing link-ups I enjoy!

Mondays— Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, Mosaic Monday
Nature Notes
WSoaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop
Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things
Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Community - Five Minute Friday, Fabulous Friday Link Party, Encouraging Hearts & Home, Fabulous Friday
Saturday & Sunday—
Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party