Garden Feast

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Bright Flavors // Norwegian Shrimp Salad

Almost nine years ago during our honeymoon to Norway, my husband and I had lunch by the bay, and he had a shrimp salad sandwich that he has raved about for years. The restaurant was inside a ship anchored at marina, and it was lovely. But it has always stayed with me how much he loved this sandwich. In his words, it was “delicious, with light and bright flavors’.

The crazy thing is that I have never tried to make it. Why I’ve never made it? I don’t know. But I finally did this weekend since the temps in Minnesota feel like summer, and it seemed like a great choice. What was the verdict? Again— in his words “Oh, you nailed the flavors so good.” I love when he enjoys my cooking. :)

The recipe itself was simple too—

  • 2 lbs of medium sized cooked shrimp, deveined and tails removed.

  • 4 tbsp plain Greek yogurt or sour cream

  • 4 tbsp mayonnaise

  • 3 tbsp fresh dill, chopped

  • A generous squeeze of lemon juice

  • Salt and pepper to taste

  • A dash of paprika** this was not part of the original recipe, but it needed it.

  • 3 hard boiled egg

  • Salad greens (optional)


  1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, and let it rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

  2. In a hoagie, place the slices of hard boiled eggs (season with salt and pepper), then top with the shrimp mixture.- Enjoy!

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