Garden Feast

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Breath of Heaven

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

As we dive into the last week of Christmas, my mind always goes to one thought aside from the birth of Jesus— Mary and Joseph. Every year, no matter how many nativity films I watch and how much I read the Bible stories about this miraculous event, my mind cannot wrap itself around the maturity that Mary shows during the Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus. In Luke 1: 26-30, the angel Gabriel visits her with the news she is going to give birth to the Son of Man:

“In the sixth month, Gabriel the angel was sent from God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin engaged to a man called Joseph, from the family of David. The virgin was called Mary. 28 ‘Greetings, favoured one!’ said the angel when he arrived. ‘May the Lord be with you!’

29 She was disturbed at this, and wondered what such a greeting might mean.

30 ‘Don’t be afraid, Mary,’ said the angel to her. ‘You’re in favour with God. 31 Listen: you will conceive in your womb and will have a son; and you shall call his name Jesus. 32 He will be a great man, and he’ll be called the son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, 33 and he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever. His kingdom will never come to an end.’

Phew— y’all! Can we talk about this? Because at this point Mary was but 13 years old— she was a child by modern standards, although during her time, she was of marrying age. Can you remember what you were doing at 13? I was playing with Barbie dolls and watching cartoons. Marriage was not even a concept in my head. So here is this child talking to an angel about the most monumental prophecy in the history of the world.

I try to put myself in her place, and even with the maturity I have now, this would have scared me. I would have also been worried and full of questions. My curious mind would have gone into “Ask all the questions” mode, including “Is this of God?

I am not proud to admit that, but in today’s world, I am always asking myself this question in the back of my head when I encounter situations that I am not sure about. But not Mary— in her soul she knew this was indeed of God. This was a messenger from the Most High. And so she asked the only question that I think any woman in her situation would have asked:

34 ‘How will this happen?’ said Mary to the angel. ‘I’m still a virgin!’

35 ‘The holy spirit will come upon you,’ replied the angel, ‘and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. For that reason the holy one who is born from you will be called God’s Son.

I am sure back then, mothers did a good job of explaining the process of getting pregnant. And, as if taking into consideration Mary’s youth and possible follow on questions about the possibility of getting pregnant without intercourse, the angel goes on to give her proof:

36 ‘Let me tell you this, too: your cousin Elisabeth, in her old age, has also conceived a son. This is the sixth month for her, a woman who people used to say was barren. 37 With God, you see, nothing is impossible.’

38 ‘Here I am,’ said Mary; ‘I’m the Lord’s servant-girl. Let it happen to me as you’ve said.’

Then the angel left her.

And this is the part that my mind is always in awe— she just took his word, dug into her faith and immediately said YES— use me as you see fit, God.

Me? I would have been like

“Wait— what do you mean the Spirit will come upon me?

Am I going to feel anything?

Will I know?

When will this happen?”

I always wonder if the Holy Spirit coming upon her felt like a breath from heaven descending on her. Its warmth letting her know THIS was the moment.

I know that my awe stems from the fact that this blind faith is something I wish I had. This was immediate and complete surrender to God’s will without all the answers. Which is more incredible considering the repercussions of having a child from someone other than her betrothed, which is how everyone would see this. But little Mary with the lion’s heart said YES, LORD, trusting His plan without knowing what would come next.

My mind would have been a jumble of questions and what if’s. Not just about the birth, but what this all would mean for my situation as a woman in that time. I have never been able to completely capture what I imagine this journey to have been for Mary… until this past Sunday.

At church they played a song called, interestingly, Breath of Heaven. It literally had me holding back tears when I heard it. It is from Mary’s point of view and the lyrics speak of Mary’s wonderment about why she was chosen. My favorite part of the songs is this verse:

Do you wonder as you watch my face
If a wiser one should have had my place
But I offer all I am
For the mercy of your plan
Help me be strong
Help me be
Help me

The song is also a prayer for God to help her through this journey as she surrenders to the will of God. It is just such a beautiful song and poignant song. I have included the video with lyrics below. I hope you take the time to watch it.

Friends, as we prepare for the arrival of the baby Jesus into this world, my prayers is that our faith and trust in God continue to grow, and that they are as certain as Mary’s. And as we enter a new year full of more of the darkness in the world, may the light from God’s love continues to show us the way and lift our spirit. Be blessed friends.

Merry Christmas!

Linkups I Typically Join Throughout The Week—

Mondays Inspire Me Monday, Hearth & Soul, In a Vase on Monday, Mosaic Monday
Tuesdays Insta Encouragements, Tell His Story, Anchored Truth Tuesdays
Wednesdays Worth Beyond Rubies, Welcome Heart, Wonderful Wednesday Soaring with Him, Wonderful Wednesday Blog-Hop, Creative Craft Link Party
Thursdays Imparting Grace, Heart Encouragement, Be Thee Inspired, Full Plate Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things
Fridays Friendship Friday Grace & Truth, Farmhouse Friday, Floral Friday Fotos, Community - Five Minute Friday
Saturday & Sunday Amanda’s Books & More, Pink Saturday, Saturdays Sparks Link Party, Happiness Is Homemade