Garden Feast

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fall planting planning time

Hello! I have been a little MIA because life has been going at 20,000 miles per hour, then it was the worry about Hurricane Irma making landfall in Puerto Rico, where my mom lives as well as my relatives.  Thankfully Irma moved a bit North at the last minute and spared the island! There was damage in the NE corner which is the part that came closer to the eye but otherwise, the island fared well.  But what a scare!  That is the price of living in paradise.  And now, we pray for Florida.  Stay strong. 

It has been so crazy that I forgot my fall planting bulbs were coming this week.  Phew! Fall planting is just around the corner and I am excited!  I have to say that this summer season has been very trying for me.  So much rain created more work for me especially trying to keep the dahlias from developing pests and mold.  I have had to be very vigilant with the pests.  I started noticing a few ants on the dahlias and upon research learned that they are usually present because they are farming for other insects, usually aphids.  This made my heart sink.  Upon inspection, I could not find any aphids.  So I started treating the plant with an organic spray for pests and my trusty hose—spraying those suckers away.  This combination seems to be working but even like that, I am vigilant.

And so we find ourselves in September.  Looking back, it was so frustrating that by middle of August, the dahlias had not bloomed and then it was a riot of color in my trial garden, especially I topped them (a heartbreaking moment in a dahlia grower’s life) and they developed more lateral stems and buds. 

But while, we keep tending these, other plants are flowering around the garden.  One of our goals this year was to plant more pollinator friendly plants.  We purchased pollinator-friendly blends and went to our local extension office to get native seeds and the results are starting to show. From scabiosa to Queen Ann’s lace and wild flowers, all are attracting bees and butterflies.

This year I am still going outside my comfort zone by planting in the fall for Spring.  Ever since I moved to Minnesota from North Carolina (two COMPLETELY hardiness zones) I have not planted in the fall for the Spring.  I have been too scared.  But this year I am excited to give it a try and even more excited with my choices.

I am a sucker for feminine looking flowers.  And my fall-planting selection, to me, speaks for itself.  From top left to bottom right: Anemone de Caen ‘The Bride’, Daffodils ‘Pink Champagne’, Tulip ‘Angelique’ and Tulip ‘Apricot Parrot’. 

I am also planting daffodils.  In addition to Pink Champagne, I am planting Daffodils ‘Replete’ and a wonderful mix, Daffodils Naturalizing Landscapers Mix.  All these were ordered from Dutch Grown.

Because we are building a house in the next year and a half, I am doing a lot of planting in garden beds.  Mostly because I don't want to dig all over and leave the bulbs behind.  It is easier for me to dig up the bulbs from garden beds when the move happens.  So the newest garden bed is coming in this week, which is good because 'Angelique' and "Apricot Parrot' are already here.  I do not like to let bulbs sit around. 

What about you? What exciting new thing are you planting in the fall to delight you in Spring?

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